World Diplomacy Database

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League of the Cambridge Diplomacy Society 2004
Tournament DirectorCambridge University Diplomacy Society Scoring System
In ProgressNo PlaceCambridge
Number of players50 Number of boards26
General classification Awards' ranking Best countries award ---
Detail of each board History of the league Statistics of the boards Statistics

Coeff : 2 Board : 2
TournamentFriendlyTop boardNo

CountryFirstName LastNameScoreRankSCsYear of destruction
Daliriada Chris AYLETT 34.31 6 4 c.  
East Anglia Patrick SNOW 30.12 7 3 c.  
Gwynedd Stephen CHESTER 86.48 1 10 c.  
Kernow Nick ENGLAND 58.61 5 7 c.  
Leinster Arfie MANSFIELD 24.54 8 2 c.  
Mercia David SZWER 14.1 9 0 c. 1904
Northumbria Adam STEVENS 67.28 23ex 8 c.  
Pictland John Mark EDMUNDSON 67.28 23ex 8 c.  
Wessex Tim REDDING 67.28 23ex 8 c.  

The North American Diplomacy Association The European Diplomacy Association The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand