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Défi Paris Diplo 2010
Tournament Director Scoring SystemC-Diplo
In ProgressNo PlaceParis
Number of players14 Number of boards2
General classification Awards' ranking Best countries award ---
Detail of each board History of the league Statistics of the boards Statistics

FirstName LastNameLoc.Nat.PlayedAusEngFraGerItaRusTurOther
Carlo ARICO1------1-
Jean-marc ATTIMONT1-1------
Guillaume BEARN1------1-
Pierre BOURGOIS1---1----
Philippe COIC1--1-----
Christophe COUTURIER11-------
Emmanuel DU PONTAVICE1---1----
Emmanuel FOZZANI1----1---
Alexandre GODFROY1-1------
Christophe HOAREAU11-------
Yann JACOB1-----1--
Laurent JOLY1----1---
Gwen MAGGI1-----1--
Conrad OYENS1--1-----

The North American Diplomacy Association The European Diplomacy Association The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand