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New England Club Game 2005
Tournament Director Scoring SystemDraw
In ProgressNo PlaceNew England
Number of players34 Number of boards10
General classification Awards' ranking Best countries award ---
Detail of each board History of the league Statistics of the boards Statistics
No results for the Concord Game (17/12/2005)

FirstName LastNameLoc.Nat.PlayedAusEngFraGerItaRusTurOther
Robert HOLT722--111-
Alex AMANN6-1-1-31-
Carl ELLIS41111----
Gregg HARRY4111-1---
David MALETSKY4--111-1-
Chris CAMPBELL3--11-1--
Jonathan HILL311-1----
Joshua ADDELSON2--1---1-
Ben BOYAJIAN2-1---1--
Mark BROADWIN21--1----
Melissa CALL (nee NICHOLSON)21---1---
Nathan CAMPBELL2--1---1-
Ryan GROESBECK2-----11-
Chris HOWELL2--11----
Lucas MORRILL2-1----1-
Andrew NEUMANN2----11--
Alec SHANAHAN21---1---
Brian SHELDEN2-1-1----
Adam SNODGRASS2--1-1---
David CAMPBELL11-------
Jon DAIGLE1----1---
Luke DWYER1--1-----
Michel GILBERT1-----1--
Kyle KALEMBER1------1-
Ornoth LISCOMB1---1----
Ben LOVEY1-----1--
Doug MASSEY1------1-
Dan MELENEY1----1---
Bruce MYERS1------1-
Bill PARKER1----1---
Igor PEDAN1--1-----
Avi PFEFFER11-------
Dawn TERRILL1---1----
Doug TILKIN1-1------

The North American Diplomacy Association The European Diplomacy Association The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand