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Championnat de France 2023
Date July 14-16, 2023 Place FtF Championnat National - Anjou
Tournament Director Gabriel LECOINTRE Scoring System
Number of players 24 Number of rounds3 Number of boards9
General classification Awards' ranking Best countries award Classification by Team
Detail of each board History of the tournament Statistics of the boards Statistics

RankFirstName LastNameLoc.Nat.ScoreR1R2R3
1David THOMAE138.23
2Emmanuel DU PONTAVICE107.77
3Brieuc THIBAULT99.76
4René VAN ROOIJEN88.62
5Marc LEGEAY87.65
6Kevin JEZEQUEL81.55
7Sebastien ARONDEL81.5
8Pierre-Louis BOUVET63.16
9Stéphane DOLOWY62.8
10Paul PLAYS60.94
11Kévin LECOQ57.63
12Jean-Pierre MAULION55.56
13Gabriel LECOINTRE41.6
14Craig PURCELL40.94
15Pierre GUIBERT35.27
16Briac LECOINTRE35.05
17Alexandre DUBUT28.05
18Cedric LE BON21.96
19Thibault LEPINE21.54
20Marine DEMANGEOT15.25
21David JOUBARD13.4
22Jérôme CHARON12.64
23Emmanuel BERNARD10.62
24Houssam TANZEGHTI10.25

The North American Diplomacy Association The European Diplomacy Association The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand