Special Awards:
Best pirate (army): Daniel Byars (one center Turkish army for 4 years)
Best pirate (fleet): Chris Brand (one center Russian fleet in northern waters for 4 years)
Turtle defense award: Jared White (11 years as a 3 center Italy)
Venom award: Adam Sigal (making the TD stay up till 5am for draw votes)
B.A.D.Ass. Bear: Andy Bartalone (as a reminder of west-coast care-bear play)
Outstanding Young Player: Karim Helmy
Kamikaze Award: Dave Maletsky (threw 6 dots in a year to help a solo)
Top Ninja: Don Williams (eliminated the most powers)
Knife Throwing: Louis Abronson (successfully convoyed Edinburgh to Tuscany)
Handcuffs: Don Williams and Steve Cooley (17-17 draw)