World Diplomacy Database

The World Diplomacy Database


Home Tournament League Circuit Player
WDD Battle Ranking System Scoring System Event's report Statistics

Another kind of tournament

Rencontres Alsaciennes
Number of tournaments known2 Average number of players12
First tournament known2003 The biggest number of players16 (2005)
From to
Number of tournaments known2Average number of players12The biggest number of players16 (2005)
Individual prize list Participation to tournaments The annual participation
Players' list The boards' list Statistics of the boards
Statistics of a player Statistics of a country played ---

The prize list

FirstName LastNameNat.1st2nd3rdPodium
Emmanuel DU PONTAVICE1--1
Jean-Marc THOMAS1--1
Frédégone HENDRAKE-1-1
Yann CLOUET-1-1
Philippe CLAVAUD--11
David KARY--11


The North American Diplomacy Association The European Diplomacy Association The Diplomacy Association of Australia and New Zealand